On a bike?????

Xguern66 says:
Would using the body to lift you and your bicycle off the ground off a jump count??????
Oct 18, 2011
oklahomadawn says:
not for this challenge...I would like to see just bodies up in the air by themselves. I have a challenge coming up with people swinging and will add this to my list for another challenge for people jumping while on a bicycle, motorcycle, etc.
Oct 18, 2011
oklahomadawn says:
for this challenge the person up in the air can be jumping off from a swing (as long as they don't have hold of the ropes, chains, etc), or jumping on a trampoline, or if they are jumping their bicycle off a ramp then turning loose of the bicycle over water that would count. I'm just looking for bodies only up in the air, how they get into the air, whether by their own efforts or with the help of a trampoline, or whatever is okay, as long as they don't are not still in contact with anything.
Oct 18, 2011
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