How is this done?

oklahomadawn says:
I just got PSE8 and am trying to learn how to use do you do this method? thanks for any help...Dawn
Sep 5, 2011
ApriltheScrapaholic says:
Hi, I use Microsoft Digital Imaging to make all my kits. I only use photoshop if I need to which isn't very much. So here is how I do it. I make a black rectangle that is 4x6. Then I add text for the name (I used Arial black). Then I flatten the text. I then drag it onto the rectangle's bottom edge and resize it to fit the edge and put it right up to the edge as exact as you can. Then I flatten the two images together. After that you have your frame and you just fill it with the desired photo.

If you need a frame without making it yourself. I have made hundreds of request on my blog. You can see if you're desired name is there. Look in the labels for name frames or black name frames.
Sep 5, 2011
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