Kimberly, such a great topic!!
tigerjoscraps says:
I do the same thing whenever I see an abandoned home or church. I always end up making a story up in my mind for the people that I think lived there. Glad to see that other people do the same thing.
Aug 14, 2007
KimberlyRae says:
You are so Awesome, dear! The whole is very compelling to me. I can't wait to see all the mysterious places. :)
Aug 13, 2007
kiwigirl06 says:
Me too, I found a great site for you American Ladies. http://www.lostdestinations.com/likehome.htm. She and her husband share the old house thing :)
Aug 13, 2007
KimberlyRae says:
thank you, dear. I will take a looksey! :)
Aug 14, 2007
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