
i really love pages made like this, but how are they done? can anyone offer any advice? i have adobe photoshop 7.0
Aug 13, 2007
jenkev4 says:
dear proud mummy,
you can do anything that you put your mind too! i got all my little stuff off the internet, and just had to take the eraser tool to it all! which takes time for a page. I am sure with your photoshop you can do it!
Just get a feel for whatcha want to create! I knew i wanted to do something with my daughter in the tub, so i looked up bathtub images on the net just to find the perfect one. i think when i was really all finished with the pages it ended up being close to 30 layers or more. I had alot of fun doing it, and it turned out soooo cute! Any other questions, feel free to message me! :)
Aug 13, 2007
vroon1188 says:
Hy I make my scraps with "Scrapbook MAX", it is a very easy and nice program.......

Gr. Vera.
Aug 13, 2007
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