Sharing elements??

Xguern66 says:
Is there any problem with sharing designers elements? Hope fully if we only take one from each kit it should be OK.
Feb 20, 2011
oklahomadawn says:
ahhhhh...if it is a kit that you had to purchase, uh-oh, i didn't think about that...hmmmmmmmmmmmm.........I would think sharing only 1 or 2 elements would be okay...
Feb 18, 2011
oreosmeow says:
Well, don't you think it'd be okay if we credited both the designer and the person who we're buddied with? I mean, the person would have to disclose who the designer is to their buddy so she can credit properly, but I'd think.... oooo, maybe it wouldn't be okay. Hmmm. Okay, free kit elements from me, LOL!
Feb 19, 2011
Xguern66 says:
Yes we will have to be very careful that we give credit to both designer and the person who purchased the kit (unless it's free) - an interesting query!
Feb 20, 2011
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