Time to tell

savannah's grand mawmaw says:
Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash-We got married in a Fever
Hotter tan a pepper sprout,We been talking about Jackson ever since the fire went out.
Oh I'm going to Jackson.I'm sorry nobody guessed. I guess I didn't do such a good job.
Jan 22, 2011
Jacqueline7of7 says:
I do not know this song
I would nerver have found it anyway you scrap it
you did a good job on your page
Jan 22, 2011
savannah's grand mawmaw says:
I'm sorry I just saw that I forgot the h on than
Jan 22, 2011
Sk8tingmom says:
You did a great job Margie. It's not a song I'm familiar with but it certainly makes sense.
Jan 22, 2011
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