milliec says:
Sounds interesting and may give others more of a chance to win!
Oct 17, 2010
Lavender Passion says:
Yes because people seem not to vote in challenges they enter! Thank you for trying this! Super idea! Annita
Nov 13, 2010
cryistal says:
Nov 13, 2010
abbyspots says:
how do i vote ?? there is no vote button on my screen ??
Nov 13, 2010
DitzBitz says:
I think this is probably more how SBF intended voting to go when they set it up this way. I like it.
Nov 13, 2010
Judikim says:
It sounds like a good idea providing everyone votes. So many lovely fantasies in this challenge.
Nov 13, 2010
Lindalou b says:
I think its a brill idea x
Nov 13, 2010
mozzie46 says:
I too think it is a wonderful idea, Thank you for running this challenge.
Nov 14, 2010
Grandma M says:
Brilliant Idea - every challenge owner should do it - I am also in favour of challenge points to be hidden on every challenge xx
Nov 14, 2010
MaryWonder says:
I think this is a great idea & leaving the voting to the last couple of days also makes the voting fairer. If this is successful I will run some of my challenges this way too!
Nov 14, 2010
oklahomadawn says:
for those wondering where the voting button is...the voting has not yet started. voting doesn't start until Thursday, the voting button will appear then.
Nov 14, 2010
oklahomadawn says:
Judikim, i see the list of people who have joined this challenge, i feel very confident that everyone will honor the spirit of this challenge and cast a vote as i have requested. just a reminder, please do not go through and vote 10's on every page (though that is definitely tempting by what I've seen so far!). At least vote 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 on some or there will be a mega tie and this challenge will have failed. I think I've got the voting hidden so it won't be detectable what any one person voted, though if you have already commented and just come back to vote that problem is moot.
Nov 14, 2010
Xguern66 says:
I have only just joined and posted my page - wondered why I couldn't vote yet - silly me - voting comes later - excellent idea - so no-one will miss out. I think this is a great idea - shouldn't be a problem - we know the work that goes into them but we will have to look past that. Hope it all works out.
Nov 15, 2010
y2bonnie says:
interesting idea,and I think it is a good one. I always did think that having all the pages entered before voting starts is a good idea.
Nov 16, 2010
neeltje says:
It`s a great idea
Nov 18, 2010
mommyj says:
I posted the page in your challenge, but failed to read where you didnt want a page after voting started. I had already vvoted for the other pages. So if you need to take it out, that is fine..Judy
Nov 19, 2010
sugarpops says:
A really good idea..everyone gets a fairer chance xx
Nov 20, 2010
oklahomadawn says:
looks like the majority of you like this format so i will try another challenge. i've got a few other challenges scheduled so it may be a few weeks before i can schedule another...any suggestions for a theme?
Nov 20, 2010