3 Dimensional Shadow in Paint.Net

MaryWonder says:
Make sure your layers box is visable (Window Tab - Layers)
1. Open Background (Layer 1)
2. Layer Tab - Import from file - Select the element you want to use (Layer 2)
3. Edit Tab - Select all
4. Layer Tab - Duplicate Layer (Layer 3)
5. Layer Tab - Rotate/Zoom
Play with the Roll/Rotate, Pan & Zoom. When satisfied press ok
You can grab the corner & stretch or move until you are happy.
6. Layer Properties - Change Opacity to about 50
7. Move layer down (Your shadow is now layer 2)
Keep adjusting if necessary just be careful about which layer you are working in. When happy merge shadow layer & then finally element layer & save.

I've tried to keep this simple & I am asuming you know how to use layers in Paint.Net.
Don't hesitate to ask if you need any further help!
Aug 23, 2010
MaryWonder says:
PS: Forgot to mention you need to turn you image black for the shadow. This is better done before rotating etc!
Aug 22, 2010
>¡< Marifer says:
Thank you so much for sharing this tutorial! :D
Aug 23, 2010
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