June 28, 2009

not been on for long time

well i have not been on here for a long time trish my lovely friend lost her huby and came on to do her a page but i whent into my facebook this morning and there is a group in there that has been set up to go against sbf and that is why there is no forum the people on this are i thought very populer well just goe's to show you never know
posted by trampy @ Jun 28, 2009 | 0 comments | |
i am a full time carer for my busband and daughter i am quite new to digi scrapeing but haveing fun on sbf site dont get out much but have two wonderful daughters and one adorable son o and not forgetting our little dog bonny never done a blog before but here goes i will appologise now for my spelling
Created: Aug 26, 2008

July, 2009
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