Breaking Dawn Sneak Peak part 2
Seth tells her that Jacob, who has remained in his wolf form for weeks, is somewhere in Northern Canada and that he is not coming home. Bella sulks with this knowledge and then has recollections of the night when she told Charlie about her engagement. When Bella had finally plucked up the courage to tell her father, Charlie automatically assumed Bella was pregnant, and laughed hysterically when he realized how Bella's mother would react. Bella also notes that she was utterly shocked when her mother also took the news very well and immediately offered to help with the wedding plans. When Bella comes home Alice is fitting Charlie into his tuxedo for the wedding, and states that it is Bella's turn. While she is being fitted by Alice, Bella goes to her "happy place" to think about her love for Edward and how wonderful their honeymoon will be.
Created: Aug 2, 2008

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