my beginning
June 28, 2008

a little farther into my journey

i have now created FIVE scrapbook pages. It is true...i have now realized..........I HAVE BECOME ADDICTED!!!!!! lol
I am starting to like the software i am using. I'm finding cooler things to do with my pictures. I spoke too soon in my last blog that i didnt like the program i was using. There is still a neat one i have my eye on tho. I am enjoying scrapping very much...and im starting to feel like a regular. thank you for those of you who continue to leave me comments on my pages. gives me confidence and makes me want to create an even better page to see what ppl think!
~~again thanx and ttyl~~
posted by n_cole @ Jun 28, 2008 | 1 comments | |
i have now created two scrapbook pages. im not so sure i like what i have done though. i do know i dont like the program i am using...not many choices and things to do for my pictures. im sure i will get the hang of it though. getting started is always the hard part. i wont give up.
Created: Jun 27, 2008

June, 2008
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