More headaches
I was hoping to get better but since I've returned to work, my headaches have become more severe and frequent. Doc has tried diff. pain meds intended for migraine sufferers but the meds only increase the pain more! I go back to neuro opthamalogist on 3/3/008 (UCLA Med Ctr) for follow up visit and am hoping he will give me some good news and some hope. Am so tired of all this pain I am constantly having almost every day now. I had to go back to work on 2/11/08 because my disability and sick leave ran out. Am losing weight which is good because the pain med. Topamax is also an appetitie supressant! Just don't feel like eating anymore. Don't feel like scrapbooking, cleaning, gardening, anything. Cannot think of anything but getting rid of the pain in my head.
Created: Feb 23, 2008

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