ScriptureScrapture & Other Inspirations...
February 5, 2008


Sorry I posted this entry in 2 parts. I'll get the hang of this posting thing sooner or later! Well, since I stumbled upon this website I have been thinking a lot about the word encouragement. Hence the topic of this entry.
We are exhorted to encourage each other to reach our fullest potential. Not the phony type flattery one is so prone to dole out,but the honest-to-goodness, meaningful praise that comes from the heart. Mmmm....that's a mouthful. And food for thought.

Many Blessings!!!
posted by Pure Scrapture @ Feb 5, 2008 | 2 comments | |
Hi! I'm all excited about this site! Everyone here is so warm and encouraging, not to mention TALENTED! Thanks for sharing guys! Well, I'm going to try to post some thoughtful and encouraging words from scriptures to other inspirational proverbs/quotes that i've found and have been dwelling on during the week. Join me if you will!! For my first-ever blog, I'd like to start with a word about encouragement...
Created: Feb 5, 2008

February, 2008
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