NanaBunny's Excellent Adventure
November 18, 2007

My Webpage

I have been working on my web page today in-between doing scrap pages. I haven't updated it in at least a year and a half and there is a lot of work to do there. Check it out and see what you think. It isn't a scrap website but I will be adding a scrapping link soon. It is designed for the cards I make. Feel free to look around and pass the cards along to family and friends if you like them. The link is:

Drop me an email if you stop by and be sure to sign up if you would like to be included in the daily emails.

posted by NellieBell @ Nov 18, 2007 | 1 comments | |
November 17, 2007

A little about me..

My name is Sherry and I am still a newbie here at SBF. This is an excellent ScrapBook board and I have enjoyed all the people online. The pages on here are beautiful. I think it is so cool to see thru the eyes of another. And when someone posts a page I feel as if I am viewing life thru their eyes. Each person who is here lets their personalities shine thru their creations.

I will be posting a link to my website. I design cards and have a daily mailing list that goes out Monday thru Friday weekly. Don't worry, I won't add anyone to the mailing In order to be on it you have to request to be added. I hope you find time to visit the site. It's free and I encourage you to forward the cards to others.

posted by NellieBell @ Nov 17, 2007 | 0 comments | |
Created: Nov 17, 2007

November, 2007
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