Pleasant words are as a honeycomb ....
February 27, 2008

Hi everyone hope everything is good for you. I would appreciate your prayers for my 4 year old grandson. We had him at the hospital yesterday and his blood isn't clotting properly. He has had nose bleeds for the last 2 weeks and is covered in bruises where they think he is bleeding under the skin when he has a knock or a fall. We are awaiting the results today of the second set of blood test. Please pray. Thank you. Love and blessings, Jean x
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posted by Honeycombs @ Feb 27, 2008 | 0 comments | |
February 3, 2008

Where did January go

I just can't believe it is February already. It's quite cold today but we haven't really had any snow to speak of although some parts of the country have and the weather men still insist we'll be having a lot of snow soon. I love scrapping my grandsons, they have such beautiful smiles and if I figure out how to add just a couple of pages I'll include them here. I've tried to do it but I seem to add all of my pages. Have a great week.
A Smile
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Smiles are for Sharing
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posted by Honeycombs @ Feb 3, 2008 | 0 comments | |
Well here I am bloggin', not sure how or why but it seems like a good idea a place to write a lot of nice words cos as the verse says ... Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones (Prov 16:24). Hope those who know me enjoy the blogs if I manage to get more than this one done. Hope those who don't know me enjoy reading about the things I like.
Created: Nov 7, 2007

February, 2008
January, 2008
December, 2007
November, 2007
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