A lot of Talent!
January 23, 2008

Intracranial Hypertension

Well, I've been diagnosed with a rare disease called intracranial hypertension which means I have excess cranial fluid on my brain. Why? Doctors don't have a clue as to why people (mainly women) get this disease. More research needs to be done. I spent almost five days in the hospital after developing spots in my eyes and then having my blood pressure sky rocket almost out of control. Luckily, a co-worker noticed I wasn't acting right and took my blood pressure at work 3 times and it was very high. Called the doc and he said to go to the ER ASAP. After 4 MRI's, 2 CAT scans, spinal tap, xrays, EKG's and dozen of blood tests I was diagnosed with this disease. Woohoo. lucky me! I went into the hospital on January 9 and have been off work since then.
Wierd. I had what I thought was a sinus headache pain and pressure for 4 weeks when the spots appeared out of the blue at exactly 12 noon on the 7th of January. At first, I thought it was eye makeup in my eye but the next day it was still there only worse. The next day spots appeared in my other eye and then I knew something was wrong. I did go to the doctor when the spots appeared and he sent me to an opthamologist who told me I had optic nerve edemas in both eyes and had me scheduled for an MRI but the next day my b.p. went high so I ended up in the hospital. I have headaches mostly all the time and the pain meds don't work. I take a very high dose of diamox which is supposed to reduce the water on the brain. No change yet. Was supposed to go to UCLA medical center today to see a neuro opthamologist but that doc got called into jury duty (didnt know docs got called in) so now I have to wait to see him on the 31st. I feel okay except for the constant headache and pressure in my head and the spots that won't go away.
posted by Mommy Dearest @ Jan 23, 2008 | 0 comments | |
I hate to post any of my pages since the pages on here are so expert looking and so beautiful and well thought out! I think I'll just make some to post on my pages but I won't do any more challenges. Lots of great talent here and lots of wonderful ideas too!
Created: Oct 20, 2007

January, 2008
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