Mindy's scrap's, random thoughts, and a few rants I am sure
August 24, 2007

Wonderful afternoon...

Jared and I spent a wonderful afternoon together yesterday. We went of to Columbus, first we stopped at the Topiary Garden, at the school for the deaf. It was such a beautiful park, Jared now wants to make me topiary, he’s so sweet. Then we went to the Bodies Exhibit, I thought the organs’ were very interesting, but I must say I ran past the actual full sized bodies, just something creepy about the fact that they are real, just skinned and all opened up. We then went to Garden Ridge, my new FAVORITE store. It’s a cross between an Old Tyme Pottery and Hobby Lobby. Jared must have thought I had gone crazy, I refrained from buying anything. I am just trying to be a penny pincher so we can eventually get a house. We then went out to dinner at the Rusty Bucket, best food ever!!! It was just a wonderful day!! I can't wait til October and we will have a week together, oh I forgot to mention I got my tickets to Brad, Its going to seem like forever, since I bought them in the fan club they don't tell you where your seats our, just that they are in a certain section starting in the second row!
posted by mbuechler @ Aug 24, 2007 | 0 comments | |
August 19, 2007

Date Day....

The girls went back to their dads early this week, for a cookout since Robs aunt was in town. So Jared and I decided to take advantage of it and had a date day. We hung out and then we went to see "I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry" It was a great movie, and I love Adam Sandler, I think I like him since he and Jared are soooo much alike. But is was a good movie and some nice quality time spent together, which I have come to the conclusion thats where my grumpy streak came from. Jared started his new route and I could only come up with 23 hours that we are awake and see eachother every week, yuck! So we have some plans for next week, were going site seeing and to the Bodies Exhibit, yes sounds morbid to me also, but my lovely husband says it will be interesting, what will be interesting is when he has to pick up off the floor because I pass out!
Other then that I am just working on a page for my dad, he went to The Bonneville Salt Flats and sent Jared a bunch of pictures. I don't know who was more excited my dad or Jared. Dad called to tell ME about his day, but I lost the phone to Jared and what seemed like an hour later I still knew nothing. MEN!!!!
posted by mbuechler @ Aug 19, 2007 | 0 comments | |
August 14, 2007

Who knew?....

Who knew buying a new car could make you grumpy, but talk to my husband he says I have been grumpy since. Could be that or the fact I haven't felt very good in the last couple weeks. But I have appointments with my both my doctors in the next couple of weeks I am sure one of them is bound to come up with something. Down side they both want blood work, and both use differnt labs and both want to know different things, so they can't share the info, so that means I get to be doubly poked fun!! I am sure its my chrones, but we'll see. I might just be grumpy because I have pretty much exhausted my pictures for scrapping, so I need to take more. The girls birthdays are coming up and Rob has a pile at home to scan and send (such a nice ex husband). Other then all that not much going on, Jareds going to clean the garage tomorrow and then I am gonna touch up the paint and in a few months the new house search should be on!! I am sure that will make me much grumpier then the car thing ha ha!
posted by mbuechler @ Aug 14, 2007 | 0 comments | |
August 9, 2007

And the Winner is.......

Yesterday Jared spent the entire day out looking at cars again uggghhh after much frustration, I said to him how about we broaden our search and instead of just looking at SUV's lets look at some cars, so I got home and talked Jared into going to look at Nissans (believe me he wasn’t in the mood, can’t say I blame him since again he had been at it all day). I was just having a conversation with Dr. Case, and I asked his opinion of Altimas, at which point he handed me the issue of Kiplinger’s that he had just gotten and low and behold, the Altima is the #1 rated vehicle in its class. Wow must be fate. So we went, and although they had many to choose from only one stood out it, it was the first and only I looked at and guess what NOW ITS MINE!!!! So the official winner is the Nissan Altima, it’s a beautiful dark blue, charcoal interior and even my sunroof!! Woohoo!! I am so glad we made this choice, I drive 40 miles to work one way so the more I thought about the SUV the more it just didn’t make sense, I get like a gazillion miles to the gallon, and its sporty fun and yet big enough for the family!! But more importantly the car search is over and Jared and I both feel really good about it and the decision we made. So tonight it will be nothing but relaxation……
posted by mbuechler @ Aug 9, 2007 | 0 comments | |
August 7, 2007

A Relaxing Week ???

Well this may be a relaxing week for us, we will hope!! Jared and I say that every week and find 100 more things that need to be done. The girls went back to their dads this week, it was nice I had them for the last 3 weeks. I stopped by tonight to drop something off and Lauren was begging to come back to my house, so that broke my heart! Other then that I went to my mom and dads this evening, we went out looking at more cars ugghh I never thought I would get soooo tired of looking at something but YUCK!!! Jared and I started with Nissans - Pathfinder, and Armadas then it was the Saturn Outlook, and then we shopped Hyundai's, Then Excursions, and Tahoe’s (remember the accident with the van, oh the stuff I could hit in those) Then we moved on to Toyotas - Sequoias and 4Runner's. Somewhere in there were the Lexus, BMW"S, Mercedes, a Tourage and yes Jared even priced out a Porsche. Yesterday Jared and I priced out a VW convertible bug! (How that fits in I don’t know) and tonight I went and looked at Jeeps and Honda Pilots. If I could just narrow it down to 2 or 3. To think I started out with 1 request I told Jared he could buy me anything as long as it had a sunroof. I think we’re way past sunroofs now! He pretty much tells me it’s up to me, HELLO I said I wanted a sunroof, cut a hole in the roof of bonny and I’ll be great! We’ll see.
On the downside, or upside however one may look at it, Rob (Maddie and Lauren’s dad) got his insurance thing taken care of so Lauren will be getting her Tonsils and Adenoids out on Oct 8th, I was kinda hoping to put it off til later in the winter when she wasn’t nearly as active, but then I think to myself do I really want her to go through another cold and flu season and see her suffer, with her meatball sized tonsils (her pediatricians words, god love him).
The girls are already for school, which is in a couple of weeks, WOW how time flies! Maddie said to me yesterday, “mom do you remember changing my diapers”, she said “well I’m going to be in 4th grade now!” and that she is. We went Saturday shopping for book bags, we exhausted Kohls, Walmart, Steinmart, Tj Maxx, and an entire mall, but thank god for Target. She’s growing up so she want’s teenage type stuff, my reply “ “Hello your 10 this Barbie one looks great” as she gives me the evil eye. I don’t want my girls to grow up fast, I want them to stay young and maintain their innocence for a while longer, you know while they actually still enjoy hanging out with me. I sit in the office and watch these girls come in their little booty shorts and they looked like they just fell face first into the makeup counter at Macy’s. I know, I know I was probably once that girl, but now I am those girls’s mother, so NO! Well at least there’s Lauren shes only in Second so she went with a Pirates Of the Caribbean bag, its cute a little messenger bag, girly though, pink strap and it says “I Love Jack” much better then her first choice, that had chains coming off of it UGGGHH. She goes from one extreme to the other on everything, she’s the only girl that I know that will get up put on a skirt, go outside and find the biggest stick she can find to widdle on. That’s her new hobby, that child amazes Jared and I, she can widdle all the bark off a stick and were talking like half a tree like stick in a couple days using a plastic butter knife. She worked on her first one it took her 3 days to get the bark off, Jared then sanded it down, and they decided to cut it down, did I mention the stick was like 7 ft’ tall. Jared went to Lowes, and being the handy man he is made a beautiful walking stick out of it, they stained it and bought a brass piece for the bottom and used a faucet knob for the handle. The goal was for all the girls to do one, but we will see, Maddie and Tori seem to have lost interest after the first 5 or so minutes. Can’t say I blame them it was kinda tough for even me. So I am going to try to make pinecone bird feeders with them and see how that goes.
Well gosh its getting late and I have just rambled really about nothing so Good Night!
posted by mbuechler @ Aug 7, 2007 | 0 comments | |
August 2, 2007

Reason 1001 Why I have the best husband!!!

So yesterday, was what I thought going to be an ugly day for Jared but he pulled it off pretty much stress free!! And to top it off since his scheduled changed he will be off on Wednesday’s, so when I got home he had dinner made, laundry done and even fresh sheets!!! God love him, but even more impressive, he had picked Maddie and Lauren up at they’re dads and took them shopping so when I got home I had the most beautiful flowers and thank you card from them, he is just always so thoughtful!!! He is just unbelievably selfless when it comes to me, yes I have had a rough couple days just getting back to work from vacation, just a lot of work and it’s end of month blah blah blah. But he is going through some pretty ugly things himself, switching routes at work and other not so much pleasant events. But he just kinda lets things roll off his back, with a carefree attitude, wow that is such an inspiration. I tend to get grumpy pretty easily, when things don’t go my way, where he always tries to look for the good outcome, which that man can pretty much find in any situation. I am not saying he doesn’t have his moments, because oh believe me he does, but like I keep saying to him rather he believes me or not Jan 1st 2007 was the day he turned a new leaf and our relationship and goals have taken a whole new direction, yes that even means I get lucky and win an argument now and again!! (Just kidding) but we have come to the point where we may not agree but we compromise and get over it!
Mindy’s lesson learned this week - If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything. ~Mark Twain

Other then that just working on my vacation scrapbooks, oh and trying to get motivated to do some very late spring cleaning, and doing anything in my power to avoid painting, Jared’s on to me though! I will get another vacation almost 2 weeks end of September first of October so maybe I will take some time the first week and paint and clean, the 2nd week will be Jared and I’s Anniversary week, he said he has big plans that week, I can just imagine, my only hopes, #1- I want to go see my boys (The Patriots) stomp the Bengals and #2 Go see Brad (hoping to be in the front row) we’ll see, Jared has bought me a ton of his Hershey bars, So I think I belong to the Brad Paisley fan club for the next 6 yrs. or so LOL, so we will see!
posted by mbuechler @ Aug 2, 2007 | 0 comments | |
This is my first blog. I am a mother of 3 girls, 2 of my own and one-step daughter. I have a wonderful husband named Jared. I work full time as a Business Manager for a dental office. So between, work, taking care of the girls, the cat and my husband I find sometime in there to scrapbook.
Created: Jun 28, 2007

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