In Case You Were Wondering...
August 22, 2006

1st Stop...Scrapbook Flair!

IN CASE YOU WERE digital scrapbooking skills are improving. I'm learning alot from surfing the web and paying close attention to what others are posting here at this site. This is my latest creation. The background is created from a cropped corner of the original picture. I tediously erased around my daughter and her dad and than made it black and white. It was a lot of hard work but I think it paid of in the end.

Scrapbook Flair is the place that got me started and I am so grateful. Lots of other sites have wonderfully talented members who post the most magnificent layouts. It was very intimidating to make my first posts. I LOVE that Scrapbook Flair has such a wide range of members. It's great to see the kids and the teens. Those who are doing any kind of scrapbooking for the first time.

I'm not so intimidated to post at other sites now. But, I will never stop making my daily (or twice or three times daily) trips to Scrapbook Flair! It's a wonderful site for beginniners and when I have someone say, "I want to do that," my response is always...Scrapbook Flair!
Watching Over Me
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posted by JennHenn @ Aug 22, 2006 | 1 comments | |
August 14, 2006

It's a 3-peat!

IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING...what I mean by youngest daughter is the new Scrapbook of the Week. And, while I am happy for her, I'm also relieved. She would have been devastated if she didn't get the honor. So, thank you to everyone who voted for her page. I love scrapbooking with the girls, the little on in particular. They have such new and refreshing ideas and they know what they like and what they don't. Me? I sit and I stare and than I shift some things around and stare some more. Not children. They place it...they like it! They don't care if words go into the picture. With her layout, she did just that...and ya know...I like it I tend to be a neat, square, very simple designer. The girls like little things here and there. I may be a Scrapbook of the Week title holder myself...but I most certainly have a lot to learn from the two most recent winners. I hope that you have the chance to scrapbook with a child...they will open your eyes to a whole new way of seeing things!
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posted by JennHenn @ Aug 14, 2006 | 0 comments | |
August 7, 2006

A Family That Scrapbooks Together

IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING...why I don't have any pages posted with this post it's because I'd like for you to visit two other home pages. Cheer Girl and Pumpkin Baby are my daughters. We all love to scrapbook. I haven't been able to create any new pages of my own because I promised the girls to help them with the two that they have each posted. In fact, I am proud to say that I had the Scrapbook of the Week last week and this week it's Cheer Girl! Pumpkin Baby (the name of her favorite stuffed animal, a bear in a pumpkin outfit) just posted her first two pages...the tears if she doesn't win...oh boy! I'm fortunate enough to be a stay-at-home mom and a crafty mom, too. It gives me great pleasure to do activities with my girls, and my "step-daughter" (her dad and I live together but we're not married -- yet!). I think some parents find that if they sit at the computer making a scrapbook page than it's taking away from their time to work on the 'puter or doing housework. Others, I know, don't want the kids "wasting" their paper or playing with their "good" scissors or punches. But, why not share with them something that you are passionate...and protective about? It will not only give you time together but it will show the kids that they are valuable to you as well! I've made the suggestion that Scrapbook Flair have a gallery of pages made just by kids. Have you seen Foxer's work? It's too cute! So, get the kids by your side, show them how to create a page or if they're on the little side, like mine, help them out! I can't describe the smile and the pride on their faces when they see that page with THEIR name under it! Remember, the family that scrapbooks together is having FUN together!
posted by JennHenn @ Aug 7, 2006 | 2 comments | |
August 3, 2006

Where Girls Grow Strong...

IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING...why I haven't posted in a couple of days...I'm at Girl Scout Camp with my daughters...and 100 other "adopted" daughters during the day. We're having a blast learning how to build a fire, make lunch on a stick and not lose it in the fire, how to eat a s'more without getting it all over your face...and hands...and legs...and of course, eating Girl Scout Cookies. Girl Scouting is a wonderful opportunity for girls to have fun without being treated like a porcelin doll or a "little" girl. Girls can get dirty and have fun and be encouraged to get dirty. My daughter Amelia is 8 year's old. (Check out her pages that she's made and posted. She's Cheer Girl) This is her 3rd year at camp so she's a veteran. Samantha is 5 and just graduated from Kindergarten. She's a "real" camper this year, not a Pixie (pixie's are younger/other children of camp staff ages 3-12 who are allowed to come to camp. They are their own unit but they don't do the same things as the campers. They're allowed to come so that mom's can come and help out...nice!) She's the tiniest one in her unit but she's got the biggest spirit! Me? I'm the first first patient of the day was Amelia (a real injury...she cut her leg). I guess what I'm trying to tell you is to get out there and volunteer. It doesn't have to be with Girl Scouts, just pick something that you are passionate about and just do it. Take your "hand" scrapbooking materials and visit the children's ward at the local hospital or visit bed-bound mom's-to-be (I've done this...they love it!!!) have them scrapbook their babies ultrasound picture or pictures of mommy and daddy. There are so many wonderful causes and appreciative organizations. In the words of Nike...JUST DO IT!
If friends were flowers...
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posted by JennHenn @ Aug 3, 2006 | 1 comments | |
I'm what I call a passionate scrapper. I put alot of thought (maybe too much) into my pages. And, as you will soon see, I go through phases in the themes and styles of my pages. So, here's the inspiration and thoughts that inspired me to create the pages you find here. In Case You Were Wondering...
Created: Jul 26, 2006

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