My life
May 1, 2007


Today I was free. Free from my work, free from my daughter. My daughter was at my mothers...and what do you do when you are a woman who has a day off: SHOPPING.
I seems a long time ago that I got time to just shop, and I loved every minute of it. Together with my sisters we shopped till we dropped :-). We bought some nice things.

But at the end of the day it was nice to see my little girl again.
Now I am sitting in front of the tv, my daughter is sleeping, and I am enjoying the last hours of freedom. Tomorrow I must go to work....
posted by francis1710 @ May 1, 2007 | 0 comments | |


Today I was free. Free from my work, free from my daughter. My daughter was at my mothers...and what do you do when you are a woman who has a day off: SHOPPING.
I seems a long time ago that I got time to just shop, and I loved every minute of it. Together with my sisters we shopped till we dropped :-). We bought some nice things.

But at the end of the day it was nice to see my little girl again.
Now I am sitting in front of the tv, my daughter is sleeping, and I am enjoying the last hours of freedom. Tomorrow I must go to work....
posted by francis1710 @ May 1, 2007 | 0 comments | |
A blog about my life....
Created: May 1, 2007

May, 2007
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