January 23,2007
December 29, 2007

Has it been a whole year?

I made my first posting almost one year ago. I,ve been a bad blogger. I never added to it, I guess at first I didn't know what to write then life became very hetic.

I love looking at everyones pages, and have many fav's. I also wish I could pull out the inspiration from myself that so many of you possess.

I hope to do better this year, but I do wish ALL scrapbookflair members the VERY BEST for the new year.

Love ya all, dellabella
posted by dellabella @ Dec 29, 2007 | 0 comments | |
Nothing especially interesting to write about. But to anyone who looks at my pages you know our new puppy is a big part of our lives. He just got his first haircut and of course we think he's the cutest thing around. But after the loss of our TJ 1 it was hard to decide to get a new pup. But it's the best thing we ever did. When I was so sick at X'mas time with pneunomia He was my constant companion.Now After just two days short of having him 2 months we don't know why we waited so long. So don't be suprised to se him as the main subject of coming pages. To everyone have a great year and keep those grat pages coming, it's the one site that I do check everyday.
Created: Jan 24, 2007

December, 2007
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