Howdy Ho
January 8, 2007

Terrible Storm in Coweta County

I just wanted to let everyone who has been wondering about my house since we are building in Coweta County and a tornado went through there yesterday. Our house was not harmed. My mother and brother also live on the the street we are building on and they are fine. Now just 2 miles on either side of us people have lost their homes. Thank goodness no one was killed but my moms best friend lost her home, car everything. So please keep Coweta County, GA in your prayers. Thank you for everyone who has been so concerned.
posted by philishacma @ Jan 8, 2007 | 0 comments | |
January 1, 2007

Happy New Year everyone

I hope everyone had a great New Year's eve and 2007 makes all your dreams come true. My husband just made me and our three kids eat blackeye peas, greens, ham and cornbread. To bring good fortune. Which we need since our house will be completed in 4 weeks. Happy New Year look forward to a great year with scrapbook flair.
posted by philishacma @ Jan 1, 2007 | 2 comments | |
What do blogs do exactly? I just like writing so I thought I would do this. I really enjoy looking at everyone's pages. Thanks for taking the time to share part of your life with me.
Created: Dec 31, 2006

January, 2007
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