Paulinhas`s Blog
May 27, 2009

OlÁ (Hello)

Posto para dizer a todos que estou feliz em ter encontrado um site tão legal quanto este,,,Espero que eu possa colaborar, de certa forma, com interesses em comun...fotos, scrapbookings, músicas, livros, citações...
estou aberta a dicas e apta a ajudar também..(no que eu puder)
(Post to tell everyone that I'm happy to have found a site so cool about this,,, I hope can collaborate in some way with interests in common ... photos, scrapbookings, music, books, quotes ...
I'm open to tips and also able to help .. (as I can) )


posted by paulaisabel @ May 27, 2009 | 0 comments | |
Plainness Blog
Created: May 27, 2009

May, 2009
 © 2006-2024, Patent Pending, Aurora Digital Imaging, Ltd. Beta 5.0
The most fun digital scrapbooking site on the Internet. Free digital scrapbooking software, scrapbook templates,
scrapbook embellishments and backgrounds. Beautiful scrapbook prints and photobooks.