Joined: Feb 24, 2007
Last Logon: Nov 28, 2010
angelsr4me's Home Page
Hello I'm a 56 year old Housewife marred to a wonderful guy of 22 years.We live about 2 miles outside of Polo MO at a place called Hideaway lakes it is so pretty there.We have 2 little dogs one is called Penny and the other one is called Abbie.I got Penny at the animal shelter she is a very quite dog and very lovealbe.Abbie I got her for my Birthday last year from a friend.She was 6 weeks old when I got her she is a bit wond up most of the time.I love to work with Paint Shop Pro and this is actully the first time I ever use software like this I ran into some problems but my Dearest friend has help me threw this.Hope you like my scraps not to good at this time but I will get better I hope.
angelsr4me is from
Polo, MO, USA