Joined: Mar 3, 2007
Last Logon: May 18, 2010
Doormouse's Home Page
I am a forty six year old mother of 2 wonderful(nearly grown up)children, and wife for 22+ years to Alan, my very best friend.
I work as a part time lecturer at the local Further education college in the Computing department. The rest of my time I spend, researching Family history, scrapbooking, using my laptop and drinking coffee
Digital scrapbooking is new to me (March 07)... but looks set to become my next obsession. (Ask anyone - I don't do anything half heartedly!)
We live in the North West of England, though my parents live on the other side of the country. My sisters live in Turkey & New Zealand. This makes seeing family and spending time with family more than a little difficult. And results in more time spent online.....
Doormouse is from
Chester, Cheshire, England