Over the garden gate
September 20, 2008

The long goodbye

The doctors call end stage dementia the long goodbye because the patient can hold on to life for a very long time. In the last 3 weeks my mother has been refusing to eat, drink or take her medications. We have had her hospitalised twice for rehydration. Her local doctors has started her on medications to help with anxiety and hopefully she will start taking fluids soon, but it doesn't look good. I feel that making my scrap pages helps me to escape just for a while, so I can catch my breath and be anywhere but in this heartbreaking situation. The picture on my page is the woman I know independent, outgoing and a hot temper!! I miss her.
posted by Nanna K @ Sep 20, 2008 | 0 comments | |
August 28, 2008

The kids are home.

Moni, Luke and Christian set off for Bali in the first week of August. As a mother I stress about these things!! The kids have never been out of the country before and being the worry wart I am, I counted the days until they returned home safe. I could have saved myself the stress because they had a great time. They arrived home last Thursday and came for a visit on the weekend. We were so happy to see them and I drove them mad by taking many photos. I'm really glad they had such a wonderful holiday and I will have to keep reminding myself they are adults now, YEAH RIGHT!!! lol
posted by Nanna K @ Aug 28, 2008 | 0 comments | |
August 22, 2008

Wonderful news !!

Yesterday I had the wonderful privelege to be with my niece when she gave birth to her son. What a blessing. She was fantastic and her husband was a rock for her. I held it together to do my job but when that little man entered the world I couldn't contain my joy. It brought back all the emotion of being there with my daughter when our Christian was born and I bawled with happiness. SO WELCOME TO THE WORLD BABY COOPER.
I can't wait to start scrapping!!
posted by Nanna K @ Aug 22, 2008 | 1 comments | |

Thank You

I really want to thank you for the warm welcome and all the encouragement I have recieved since joining up. It's a real confidence booster. I love looking at your pages, they are so inspirational and show me as a new scrapper just what is possible.
posted by Nanna K @ Aug 22, 2008 | 0 comments | |
Love life, Love my family, Love to scrap.
Created: Aug 22, 2008

September, 2008
August, 2008
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