My First Blog
May 4, 2008


I should say I'm proud of my self. I know I'm still far away from being a good scrapbook designer, but I am showing improvement.

The good news is I got a new computer. So I am able to download photo editing program and learn how it works.
In my recent pages, I've done some technique to edit the photos. My first page using photo editing program, (Matthew my VSD fighter), even won the scrapbook of the week. I was really happy (and I am still happy).. I was feeling sad when I did that page because my nephew was going to have a surgery.
But later I got 2 good news in the end. The first was the surgery went so well and Matthew is getting better. The second was I won scrapbook of the week.

Well, I will keep improving myself. Now I believe that I'm getting better in making scrap page. I have confidence I can make a spectacular page one day.
posted by My Inspiration @ May 4, 2008 | 0 comments | |
March 18, 2008


Today is my 1st day to make my own blog. I will just start it with introducing myself.
- I'm Chinese Indonesian (This explain my poor English)
- I have one son that born in 2004. He is my inspiration (This explain why you always see his face in most of my scrapbook pages)
- I love this site very much (This explain why you often see me online)
- I'm a beginner in scrapbooking (This explain why my pages are just ordinary)
- I know nothing about photo-editing (This explain why I should download soooooo many kit and can only count on them to make a beautiful pages)
- I votes and comments other member's pages (This explain why my page got vote/comment that MAYBE more than they deserve)

BUT.. I'm learning and I will keep learning.. I hope one day:
- I will very good in English
- I will make scrapbook pages about my son (still) but also about anything else
- I will still love this site...
- I will be an expert in making scrapbook pages
- I will be an expert in making scrapbook pages
- I will be an expert in making scrapbook pages
(How many times I shoud bear this in mind so I will keep learning to be a better scrapper?)
- I hope one day people vote and comment to my pages because my pages deserves the vote..

And I hope that day will come soon..

posted by My Inspiration @ Mar 18, 2008 | 1 comments | |
What's up?
Created: Mar 18, 2008

May, 2008
March, 2008
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