Lady Anjuli's
February 6, 2008

just another day

Hi Just another crazy day in my life. I am trying to get the Mensa trailer register should be an easy thing but the state new registration laws did not take things like this trailer in to account when they revamped the laws, I am sure that they were change to prevent fraud but boy does it make my life hard at this time.

My oldest son has broken up with his girlfriend, which is hard on him. A friend of his was concerned enough to call me and ask me to check on him as he seemed more depressed that he should be. SO after a few hours of worry I located him to find him fine and irratated that I spent so much effort. So I am sure he will get over it soon and be on to his next girl. To add to this confusion His sister both called home to see what was up, so I had to explain the whole thing to them and it upset them both had they called just an hour later it would have been all taken care of and I would have just let him tell them that his girl had broken up with him. It seems that whenever one of us is hurting we are all calling around to see who is in need it is really odd and wonderful to me to have this special bond between us

Well on my schuelded to day I have work followed by a meeting with the hotel for the RG and I hope to reach the Baronial Exchequer so as to fax copies of my receipts for cleaning Gold Key, which will, but to bed Birka for me this year. I still have at least 15 pages of info to read for the DRE search committee info but I hope to be done that by this evening. Getting my new glasses will make reading easier right now it is a chore as it is hard to focus on a page for a long time.
I enter two challenges this week one is Mom and Child. I posted the picture of my Daughter with her kids I not sure why but that picture and taking it means so much to me.
It maybe because it was when my grandchildren really understood what a hero their Mom is or maybe it is when I realized it to.

posted by Lady Anjuili @ Feb 6, 2008 | 0 comments | |
February 4, 2008


Hi let me introduce myself. I am Elizabeth I live in NH with my wonderful husband of 11 + years, Mark. We have 5 great Kids between us. My oldest 2 are twin girls and are both in the military, the oldest of the twins is Krystyan and she is my Navy brat she has the cutest little girl named Andrayia they live in VA Beach VA. with her husband Kevin. Her sister is Barbara she is in the Army and is presently in Afghanistan, her children and husband are in NC at Fort Brag. Barbara has a little girl who is just her Nonney’s little princess her name is Carly, then there is her brother who was part of a package deal when Barbara married her husband Eric, Austin is the little man of this family and our only grandson so far and he is just the light that shines in everyday. Then working from oldest to youngest next is my son John he is an engineer for a company that make night vision scopes here in NH. Jessica is next she is my stepdaughter and is 20 also here in NH. Last but not least is Nicholas he is our son and very much a focus of my life at this time as he is the only one at home now.

What I am Hoping to get out of bogging is two things a place to brag about how great my kids and grandkids are and a place to vent the trails of everyday life of someone who does way to many things to be sane. I am a member of a UU fellowship in Plymouth NH, Active in NH MENSA, as well as the SCA. Let see what is on my plate at this time.

I have just finished putting away the gold key garb for the barony for this month. The SCA is a medieval recreation group focus on education and fun. We recreate the best of the middle ages. Gold key is my passion for the group, as it is usually the first thing a new person to the group encounters so I want it to be great so they will come back and play more and learn more. It consist of many boxes of loan garb/ costumes as it is expected that all who participate will make an attempt at pre 1650 costume.

I am serving on three committee at the Fellowship, Religious Ed., Search committee for new Director of RE, and a Silent Auction fund raiser which I am the chair person for, add to that I am teaching an adult RE class on Paganism.

My involvement with NH Mensa is to be the hospitality chairperson for the Regional gathering every February during president day weekend. I am not really a member just lucky enough to be married to a member who is very active in the local chapter he is the editor of the newsletter and a member of the executive committee. Many of my long time friends are as well.

Yes I do work but at this time it is only part time for a company that sells games and books for gifted and talented kids, we also supply pins and patches to a lot of DI and OM teams in the country. We also run the mail order catalog store for Mensa. The office is small and a great place to work.

Oh I for got a couple of things about myself I am an avid sewer and scrap booker as well as any crafty things that catch’s my eye. My favorite things to sew are costumes and I just love the power to create things when I scrap book. What I love most about Scrap book fair is that I can easily email my pages to anyone who may want to see them.
posted by Lady Anjuili @ Feb 4, 2008 | 0 comments | |
Just the rants and raves of a Mom of Five and what life deals outs it may be a great way to keep my worries on tap.
Created: Feb 3, 2008

February, 2008
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