My favorite place to chill...
October 20, 2007


Poem i made:
You are a great friend
A sister
A peaceamker
You are my one true love;the one who i can charish and love
You are the saver when i am down,looking upon my tear filled eyes, i am you other heart, you love, your sister. And you are my friend.
For you!
posted by !s@b3ll3 @ Oct 20, 2007 | 0 comments | |


Poem i made:
You are a great friend
A sister
A peaceamker
You are my one true love;the one who i can charish and love
You are the saver when i am down,looking upon my tear filled eyes, i am you other heart, you love, your sister. And you are my friend.
For you!
posted by !s@b3ll3 @ Oct 20, 2007 | 0 comments | |
When i want to take a break away from the real world, I can turn to my cyberspace world. The only communication is E-mail and i can finally be someone else Like Halloween everyday on here, people are impersonating someone, making themselves sound appealing. If only we all were one honest group. When i get mad, i type. Typing takes all the pain away. I can feel as if I'm a princess or a model. My chill place with all of my peeps.
Created: Oct 18, 2007

October, 2007
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