November 14, 2006

My Poor Baby

I took my dd to the doctors. My poor baby She has a huge clod sore in and around her mouth. It started on Saturday and I was told that it could last upto 2 weeks. She has had a fever off and on since then also of 102 Ferenheit. Her mouth, tongue, throat and gums are all infected with it. He said that most kids' first case of Herpes 1 (the virus that causes cold sores) can result this way. There is no treatment. I have to just wait it out and keep giving her tylenol for pain and fever. She can't eat because her mouth hurts soooooooo much. He isn't concerned as long as she is drinking plenty of fluids. Today she tried to eat a chick nugget and her poor mouth was soooo sore from it. The doctor also said that the pain and fever will peak at or around the fifth day. That will be tomorrow. I am just hoping that I will be able to help her if it gets any worse. Today was a day from H*** (kwim?) I couldn't even look at her and she would start crying. My poor little girl. Oh and by the way, she is only 2 so it is harder for her too since she doesn't have the words to tell me properly what is wrong.

Please, if I may ask, pray that she will be at least a little more like herself in the next few days. I don't know if I can take another week of her being so miserable.

Sorry for such a long post. Thanks for reading and thanks for your prayers (in advance).
posted by Moe's Gal @ Nov 14, 2006 | 0 comments | |
October 17, 2006

Happy Anniversary To Me & Hubby

Today we celebrate 8 years of marriage. later tonight, we will be going to a movie and the girls will be home with my sister. I can hardly wait!
Two Become One
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posted by Moe's Gal @ Oct 17, 2006 | 0 comments | |
September 26, 2006

Update on Sad News

My Grandpa passed away today. I went to be with my grandma and other family just shortly after he passed. He died peacefully at home with the love of his life and four children by his side. He will be greatly missed. I Love You Grandpa.

Here is a poem I wrote for him.

My Grandpa by Carmen

My Grandpa was my shining star,
And I know he will never be far.
Deep in my heart I will find,
Loving memories of a man so kind.

He was a true and loyal friend,
And his love it had no end.
He would joke and he would prank,
And some days he was a crank

He was strong and he was kind,
And in him you would find,
A man so loving and so sweet,
And his friendship could not be beat.

He loved us all in a different way,
And we knew his love would stay.
He once told me “To yourself be true,”
Oh dear Grandpa, I will sure miss you.

He is in Heaven now with our Lord Jesus,
And his love will never leave us.
There’s just one more thing I need to say,
My love for you, Grandpa, will never fade away.

I Love You Grandpa!
My Grandpa With Poem I Wrote
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posted by Moe's Gal @ Sep 26, 2006 | 1 comments | |
September 7, 2006

Sad News

I just found out some sad news about 30 minutes ago. I just found out that my grandpa has leukemia. They are not sure how long he has left, but it is in the progressed stage. He only found out today and was offered to go into the hospital for kemo, but he wants to be at home with family. Please pray for us as we endure this with him.
posted by Moe's Gal @ Sep 7, 2006 | 3 comments | |
This is where I will post all good and bad news that is happening in my life.
Created: Sep 7, 2006

November, 2006
October, 2006
September, 2006
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