My Little 'Ol Blog
July 29, 2007

Sick kids and laptops don't mix

I wasn't home at the time but my husband called me frantic. He said that our daughter wasn't feeling well so she was laying on our bed. He let her play a game on our laptop and then it happened. She threw up all over the keyboard! EEEEWWWW! It smells so bad.

When I came home I found the laptop sitting on our bathroom floor on top of towels. I was like, "Honey! Turn it upside down to get the throw up out of it!" Such a doofus move but you got to love him for trying! By the way, the smell was putrid!

The next couple of days we left it in our garage to "air out". We bought a can of "air" and sprayed it to remove any "bits and pieces". Augh. Sick!

I have now resorted to looking online for a replacement keyboard after I called the manufacturer and got no where!!! They said it will cost around $449.00 to get it sent off for repair! No way!

Ahhhh, so now I shall attempt to fix it myself. From now on, no sick kids allowed near the computer!
posted by littlemetg @ Jul 29, 2007 | 0 comments | |
I never could get into scrapbooking. Now that I've found I'm hooked! Another obsession...excellent! *rubbing hands together*
Created: Jul 28, 2007

July, 2007
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