Michelle's Time to Regroup
June 4, 2007

Still getting it together

Sigh... I guess this is just a typical Monday for some people but, mine are usually A LOT better. I probably just need to put some praise music on and clear my head. Uhggg... actually I NEED to call the nursing home administrator and get things rolling to get my mother moved over there but, I reeeeeeeally don't want to. Sigh... now is the time though so here I go. I'll update later on how it went. I'll probably be escaping on here a lot today!
posted by Monkey's BabyDoll @ Jun 4, 2007 | 1 comments | |

Still getting it together

Sigh... I guess this is just a typical Monday for some people but, mine are usually A LOT better. I probably just need to put some praise music on and clear my head. Uhggg... actually I NEED to call the nursing home administrator and get things rolling to get my mother moved over there but, I reeeeeeeally don't want to. Sigh... now is the time though so here I go. I'll update later on how it went. I'll probably be escaping on here a lot today!
posted by Monkey's BabyDoll @ Jun 4, 2007 | 0 comments | |
On days like today I just need an outlet. It's the first day of summer with the boys and they're not making things easy today. I wish I could just take my computer and hide in the closet for a while! Really it's not them. It's having to deal with putting my mother in a nursing home that's really got me bummed. I know God is in control but, that doesn't make emotions go away...
Created: Jun 4, 2007

June, 2007
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