When I can find the time
April 24, 2007

Can't stand it!!!

So Grayson has been sick for the last week & a half which means that I've had very little me time & what time I have had has come in spurts of 10-20 min increments. I'm going through scrap withdrawals. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind taking care of my sick son, it's my pleasure & what I'm here for I'm just getting cabin fever & all of my creativity has run away... far far away. Still, he's feeling better & is at school for the first time in a while & that's really all I can ask for. He certainly had no problem asking for it. He said he liked me a lot but would rather go to school today instead of staying here w/ me. When did that happen? Anywho. Don't know if anyone reads these or not but if you just read this... I'm sorry that you wasted the last couple min of your life doing so- go scrap!!!
posted by grayfish @ Apr 24, 2007 | 1 comments | |
April 13, 2007


I'm just getting this out of the way. You know when you're driving in your car, maybe your day's not going so good & all of the sudden a song comes on the radio that you haven't heard in ages & instantly your mood is uplifted? Or you have a huge emotion (happy, sad, in love. Doesn't matter) that you're trying to convey & the words won't come to you, all you can think of is a song that reminds you of how you feel at that moment. This is my life. I seem to live my life in terms of music. I don't try to, it just kind of happens. I wouldn't change it if I could. Music is little more than emotion set to tune & has the ability to move us all in one way or another. This, my friends, is why you will often see song lyrics in my pages, whether it's a key lyric or an entire song. I usually will try to come up w/ my own journaling but if when I look at the page & all I keep thinking of is the words of a song, then that's what's going on the page. It's exactly what I wanted to say... only someone else helped me word it. I suppose everyone has their "scrap thing". Some try to work w/ at least 3 different paper patterns on every page, some are partial to ribbons, some people must frame every picture (I'm kind of guilty of that one too, I'm afraid) My (other) "scrap thing" is music. I hope when you read these pages in which I include song lyrics, that you're able to feel something too.

posted by grayfish @ Apr 13, 2007 | 0 comments | |
As I said on my profile, my son attends school 2 days a week, Tues & Thurs, so those are my big scrap days. Otherwise, it's WHENEVER I can find the time. I steal a moment here & there to work on a page or to come on & check out your pages. This site is just too cool. Soooo glad I found it!
Created: Apr 13, 2007

April, 2007
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