Scrappin' Along and Lovin' it!
November 23, 2013

Finding... er... MAKING the Time!

It's amazing how jazzed and energized I am when I have a chance to scrap. Just yesterday, I was taking a Christmas photo of my neighbors and then immediately creating a cute Christmas card with it. Didn't take me very long to find inspiration and voila! I don't think it took much time but I know that I loved every minute of it. Especially sending a few versions to them for their review. And what a thrill to learn that they LOVED what I put together for them. Praising Jesus for my precious neighbors and the opportunity once again to do what I love!
posted by PamelaGrover @ Nov 23, 2013 | 0 comments | |
July 25, 2011

Give Credit Where it's Due

I experienced my first Progressive Scrap Challenge last month and wanted to share a personal highlight. First, I want to thank Pascale for her encouragement and leadership. The community members were so inviting and friendly, too. So here's what struck me the most about this experience. I learned how important it is to give credit to designers. In the past, I never paid attn to this. So, thank you, everyone for teaching me a valuable lesson. I appreciate you all and look forward to getting to know each of you better.
posted by PamelaGrover @ Jul 25, 2011 | 0 comments | |
I'm so glad to have found this community of scrappers. Every once in a while, I hope to post something that I appreciate or learn. I love to scrap!
Created: Jun 25, 2011

November, 2013
July, 2011
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