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Title: Not Bad
Post Text Finally got a new computer so I can scrap! A MAC, finally! But, I'm having difficulties uploading my pages on here. I sent my concern to SF am awaiting to hear what they say to see if they are having problems. Been trying now for 1/2 hour to upload a page I made on my sister and her husband of a pic I took of them two on Christmas. Had a good Christmas although I didn't get to see my girls. Haven't seen them since June 08. I won't talk about why. After tomorrow I will have five days off and will spend a lot of time scrapin again! LOL I also got the program PSE 6 and really am getting the hang it and the ease of using it! wow! is all I can say of how much I like it! I really hate entering into any challenges on here because I never, ever, ever win, not even third place! I don't have the talent the others have on here or is it perhaps I need to make more friends in order to gain more votes? Either way don't care. Will just make pages and not let not winning challenges get me down. I just love creating.
Been in a lot of pain lately so haven't felt like scrapping. Today is first day been online in awhile. Headaches are becoming to the point where all I do is lay on couch. Cannot do much housework and don't feel like cooking nor cleaning because any bending over creates even more pain. Came back from Houston over the weekend to attend pt. conf & learned a lot of my disease. My doc out of town so am awaiting for him to return to ch my meds for something to might work for my pain. Want to scrap in worst way but am so tired. Perhaps Sat or Sun will have energy to.
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