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Title: First ever Blog
Post Text This is my first ever time doing a blog. Please bear with me. I am extremely tired after the long Memorial Day weekend. My boyfriend and his band were part of North America's largest outdoor Beatles tribute music festival, and, of course, I was there nearly every step of the way with him. I couldn't be there for opening day on Thursday of last week because I was still in school teaching. On Friday afternoon I rushed out of the building as fast as I could (paritally because it was the last day with the kids) to get to the festival. I had to go back for my wrap up day on Tuesday of this week. Then I had some things to do for my mother on Wednesday (yesterday). I will be back in my building for a serious room cleaning in about 10 hours. I guess I should get into bed and get some sleep. I can't believe that school is out and the festival are both over. It seems like I've been looking forward to those two things for so long that now I'm not sure what to do with myself. I believe that I will now finally get to start scrapping!!! I'd better get some sleep first. Until next time. RondaRigby
RondaRigby's thoughts and questions about digital scrapbooking and other things.
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