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Title: May 23, 2008...Happy Birthday Mom!
Post Text Today is my moms birthday. She passed away in 2007. She was a very good hearted person, and I miss her very much. It finally stopped raining! Just in time for my son to go on his big field trip to the baseball game. I hope all the kids have a great time. They are going to a science museum as well, I would have loved that. Science is so amazing. Science intrigues me...Gods Grace Amazes me! I will probobly get a few pages done today. I have challenged myself to try and get everyone in my family done. Only a couple more of my kids to go. A son and a son-in law. Neither of them like taking pictures, so this will be a tough challenge for me. When I have finished that I plan to do my parents and brother and sisters, along with my husbands family. Oh my! Well, I'm off to scrap. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!
Just a little place to put my thoughts and share my life.
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