Add a new post to blog Pleasant words are as a honeycomb ....
Title: Amazing what you learn
Post Text Well here I am another day scrapbooking till all hours I must get some sleep, especially as I'm full of cold and think I may have a chest infection. Doctors Monday if no better. I've just found out how to add extra pages thanks to my friend Claudine. I just love this digital scrapbooking, it's just amazing what you learn. There's something new everytime you create a page. All I need now is to be able to print the pages so that I can give them as gifts in a frame. I love the one I did of mam and dads wedding and would love to print that one out to give to my mam
Well here I am bloggin', not sure how or why but it seems like a good idea a place to write a lot of nice words cos as the verse says ... Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones (Prov 16:24). Hope those who know me enjoy the blogs if I manage to get more than this one done. Hope those who don't know me enjoy reading about the things I like.
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