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Title: How did I created my own digital scrapbook web site
Post Text I always wanted to have my very own web site in the internet, but I was never sure what to use it for. I thought about creating an inspiration site, quote site, inspiration in Spanish site or a photography site , but none of them where exactly what I was looking for. Finally the idea to create a digital scrapbook site came and that hit home. I love creating digital scrapbooks. I love computers and photography, and digital scrapbooking just seem the right combination for a computer-and-photography lover. But just because you love something, it doesn't mean that you don't have to work on getting good at it. Despite the fact that I love photography and computers, I still did not how to create a decent digital scrapbook. I was thrilled by the challenge more than disappointed. I started looking for Paint Shop Tutorials in the internet and learning more about using Paint Shop to create scrapbook layouts. I found several great site about Photoshop and Paint Shop tutorials for digital scrapbooking and I started practicing as much as I could. It was challenging and it still is, but then that made it even better. I realized that Digital Scrapbooking is not just about computers and photography, is about learning your tools, techniques and being inspired. It is almost the same as being an artist. The artist has to learn how to use his or her tools, techniques and also being inspired. As I learn more about digital scrapbooking, I also learn about other digital scrapbooking tools. There was also a great deal of information on digital scrapbooking using Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, so I decided to buy a copy and see what was all of the fuzz about. I fall in love with Photoshop, it was a lot easier and flexible, and there was much more digital scrapbooking tutorials for it. Six months after I started learning about digital scrapbooking, I saw that people were selling theirs on Ebay. So I decided to try that as well. I did not made huge sales, but I made enough to support my digital scrapbook hobby, which was getting a little bit expensive. In December 2005, I decided to create my very own Digital Scrapbooking site to sell my kits and to provide support for people that were buying my kits and where not sure how to use them. The quest to the perfect digital scrapbooking site was more challenging that I though and the fact that I am Software Engineer made it harder for me to justify anything less than professional. I wanted everything, a great Gallery, a professional looking forum, a shopping cart, newsletter, tutorials, etc, etc. The challenge was to get enough time to work on it and to learn all of the web site tools, programming languages and integrate all of the pieces together for a better site experience. But then again, I loved it! I don't get to do this on my day job and doing it for my very own web site was very exciting. Another six months have past and after installing, configuring, re-installing, and starting all over again for about 4 different times, I can say that I am almost there. It is not as perfect as I originally wanted it, but I am very satisfy with the results. I had learned a lot about the web and digital scrapbooking, and most important, I have my very own web site in the internet, for something that I absolutely love and believe. My web site opening will be in July 1, 2006. A year later since I started learning about digital scrapbooking. I am very excited about this and I hope to keep learning about digital scrapbooking, because there is a lot to it!
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The most fun digital scrapbooking site on the Internet. Free digital scrapbooking software, scrapbook templates,
scrapbook embellishments and backgrounds. Beautiful scrapbook prints and photobooks.