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Title: Better with flora and fauna
Post Text Well I did a dumb thing yesterday, I went out and purchased a couple of scrapbook making cd's. What a disappointment most of what is on the cd's is clip art which I already had. I am looking for a scrapbooking program that has actual picture of real art ei: embellishments, pages, etc. Ya know the type of pictures that if you went out to Michael's or AC Moore and purchased off the shelf. I hope that I've explained what I am looking and if anyone can help me I would love to hear from you. Happy scrapping!!!!
After a complete computer melt down and loaning my scrapbooking cd's out (which tracking down was a royal pain) I'm finally back online. I've been doing our family history in the mean time, I even found a cousin out in Oregon from the black sheep of the family so cool. I am now a married woman, again, (Only better this time) May 20th 2007. And a local driver, no more 48 states for me. Life is looking up!!! Everyone have a safe and Happy 4th of July, say a pray for those in our Armed Forces. For without those that came before us we wouldn't have a 4th of July holiday. Keep on scrapping!!!!!!!!!!!
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