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Finally some eventul stuff!
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Well Friday the 13th was actually the BEST day of the week for us! First I had to work, it was Buffies birthday, so we had a good day and a nice lunch! Then Maddie called me in the afternoon just to chat, well since I was at work I couldn't chat long, but called her and Lauren back, they just wanted to see if they could come over for a couple hours and hang out and have dinner with us. Well their father and I have an every other week shared parenting plan, so since he is already giving up his week next week so they can go on vacation with us, I was a little hesitant, but Rob said that was absolutely fine, they have been working on their roof and siding so the girls weren't really interested in helping with all that. So they came over and had dinner got to visit awhile and then we took them home. Well we got to the house to drop them off and Rob and Rene had some friends over so they asked us to hang out for a while, so we stayed and chatted for a few. Again that is wonderful that we can do that, especially since 2 yrs ago Rob and I weren't even in a place where we could speak to each other. But we have both moved on and realize we are both much happier now then when we were together, and it was for the best not only for us but the girls. And he has found Rene, and they will get married next June. I don't think I could have picked someone better for him, she loves the girls, the girls love her and I can call her to ask her a question about the girls and the next thing I know its been an hour and we have chatted about everything from the girls, to shopping, to chinese food, LOL!! So that was kinda neat, especially seeing him and Jared talk like they did when we lived just down the street from one another.
The other more exciting thing that happened was my dad called, I didn’t here the phone ring, we were outside, so I listened to his message which was “Hey hon its me dad give me a call I have some exciting news” So I thought OMG this has to be big if my dad is actually calling me, the man never just calls out of the blue, yes were close, I see him at least once a week, but he’s just not the chatty talk on the phone kinda guy. So I call him back, and boy did he sound like a little kid with a sack full of candy and a can of Jolt. He is over at the Goodguys Car show in Columbus, with his hot rod, and he had been out walking around and when he got back to the car there was a card on the front seat from the editor of STREET RODDER magazine, with an arrow pointing to his cell number and it said CALL ME! So my dad turned to Billy, the guy he was with and said “What do you make of this” Billy said ‘Call Him” so dad did the guy asked him if he was at the car and told him to wait right there and he would be there in five. So he got there and told dad that his car was chosen as one of the top ten of the show by STREET RODDER magazine and that they wanted to do a full photo shoot!! And that he also picked up one of the coveted Street Rodder Top 100 awards of the year presented by Turtle Wax for his '26 Ford and that he would be featured in the magazine. WOOHOO GO DAD!! So he gets do all kinds of fun things, he gets a special parking spot and on Sunday he will be one of the 10 that get to drive their cars into the coliseum for an acknowledgement ceremony. That is a huge thing for him to be chosen 1 of 10 out of over 6,500 cars. That is so COOL!! My dad has always had some kind of hot rod since I was born, if not two and that is what he works so hard for, so I am so proud of him!! I am going to do a special page just for him.
Ahhhh……… Long winded I know sorry.
This is my first blog. I am a mother of 3 girls, 2 of my own and one-step daughter. I have a wonderful husband named Jared. I work full time as a Business Manager for a dental office. So between, work, taking care of the girls, the cat and my husband I find sometime in there to scrapbook. |