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Title: Moving is for the birds.....
Post Text I met with the realtor the other night and she shared her words of wisdom for making the sale of the condo go as quickly as possible. Not bad at all only 3 or 4 things. Remove all personal pictures. Clean out closets to make them look spacious, all the girls’ art and good grades off the front of the fridge, and stage things in 3 or 5. So I got up bright and early and tackled the closet. By noon I was done, but exhausted. I have never parted with so many things at once before. But I thought to myself move it or pitch it, and pitch is what I did. The girls closet was the worst of all since we did not touch it when we did the room. I hauled out 3 ~ 30 gallon trash bags of just stuff, they out grew or didn’t use, or didn’t claim (because in our house no one owns anything, or at least when there’s a mess LOL!) They didn’t give me any flack at all, since they would move tomorrow if possible. I feel sorry for them since they have only a couple friends around here, but Madison usually has a friend over from school on the weekends when she is here. This week it is Jordan, she is an absolute doll, polite, friendly, funny, and cute. Jared and I want to adopt her. If its not her its Kayla, she is also a great kid. Her and Jared are like two peas in a pod and completely feed off each other. Hey it gives Jared someone to pick on, because she gives it right back, while our girls whine, cry and act like were the worst parents ever. I often find myself telling them, “Quit acting like such a girl” LOL!! Oh well I better get off here and get back to work, otherwise I am going to lose my motivation.
This is my first blog. I am a mother of 3 girls, 2 of my own and one-step daughter. I have a wonderful husband named Jared. I work full time as a Business Manager for a dental office. So between, work, taking care of the girls, the cat and my husband I find sometime in there to scrapbook.
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