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Title: It must be love.........
Post Text This last week has been anything but dull. As I mentioned before we are getting ready to list the condo. So Tuesday I decided to do some much needed paint touch up and cleaning. So I get it all done and I am excited, then that evening I go to use the garbage disposal and dead as doorknob. Great!!!!! Jared said hold off he will look at it when he gets home needless to say, Wednesday it was still dead. So my very loving husband goes up to Lowes and replaces it Woohoo it’s fixed!!!!! Nope Sunday, I am cleaning some more and low and behold I hear water leaking I look under the sink and water is squirting everywhere. He comes home looks at it, reaches for it and the whole thing falls apart in his hand. Did I mention in less then an hour from this we are suppose to be going to look at houses. I probably also didn’t mention that if I had not dumped gooey paint down the sink this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. So knowing this is probably my fault and feeling terrible sometime in there I told Jared that I would take care of it since it was probably my fault, he said what would make you think that, I tell him the gooey paint story and god love him he just starts laughing hysterically and says “ Its ok honey it was probably time for a new one” It must be love!!! So the condo is going up in the next week hopefully, and the house we are looking at is *8* miles from my work, why does that excite me? Because I drive 40 now each way UGGGHHH!! Other then that we have had a stray cat adopt us. Her name is “Stripes~Boots with the Fur” Don’t ask!! Jared built her a little house on the back porch and we have a little heater thing you pop in the microwave. Zoey and her sit and stare through the window at eachother, they are so cute.
This is my first blog. I am a mother of 3 girls, 2 of my own and one-step daughter. I have a wonderful husband named Jared. I work full time as a Business Manager for a dental office. So between, work, taking care of the girls, the cat and my husband I find sometime in there to scrapbook.
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