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Title: Well another Christmas come and gone!!
Post Text It was a wonderful Christmas for the Buechler family (well make that the Buechler/King/Wagner/Wheeler/Chaney, hope I didn’t leave anyone out family) The girls got sooooooooooo much stuff. They got a Wii, Maddie got a Nintendo DS, Lauren got a Leapster, they got their coats, Webkinz stuff, clothes, purses, board games ect….. Maddie got a laptop, digital camera and video/mp3 player from her dad and grandma, and I think Lauren got a portable dvd player and radio and a new bedroom. Which the girls also got here last week, big thank you to Grandma and Grandpa B, they came up and completely redid the girls room, now it beautiful shades of pastels. They are so excited!!! And so are Jared and I because it actually looks cleaned and organized for a change, and Maddie and Lauren are doing a much better job of keeping it that way. As for Jared well besides his car, he swears was his Christmas present, he got door panels, floor pans and a really awesome shifter knob, from my dad. I have honestly never seen him this excited about anything before. He will sit for hours and google car parts, so during my laundry and cleaning trips he is constantly saying come here, look at this. I don’t think he realizes I don’t even know what half the stuff he shows me is, or what it even does! Oh well its worth it to see him happpppyyyy!!! As for me lets see, Jared got me a very beautiful anniversary ring, and throw. But he’s not very patient so I got it a week early. Mom and Dad B got me a purse light, a calendar, foot cream, lottery tickets, perfume, and a bunch of other little things. My mom and dad got me an Ohio State Sweatshirt, clothes, a Tastefully Simple Fondue Set, earrings, a sewing box, jammies and a bunch of little stuff. As for little Miss Princess Zoey, she got a stocking filled with toys, and she was so fun to watch, she immediately knew it was hers and she was all over it. My sister niece and nephew, got her a new bowl set and new toys, I swear she is more spoiled then anyone else in this house. Jared and I went to PetsMart and he picked her out a charm for her collar. I tell Jared all the time, she is the best thing that happened to us in 2007, she just brings so much love to the house. She can completely get away with anything, the other day Jared and I were in the kitchen and she hopped up on the counter, we look over and there she is dipping her foot into Jared’s glass of tea, did he yell at her? NO!! She rules the house! Oh well looking forward to 2008!!
This is my first blog. I am a mother of 3 girls, 2 of my own and one-step daughter. I have a wonderful husband named Jared. I work full time as a Business Manager for a dental office. So between, work, taking care of the girls, the cat and my husband I find sometime in there to scrapbook.
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