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Title: Christmas is coming!!
Post Text Wow! Hard to believe but its almost Christmas! I am really excited this year! Jared is getting a bunch of stuff from my dad for his Hot Rod. Maddie and Lauren are absolutely spoiled this year. Jared and I debated on getting them a Wii but with the prices and the fact they are so hard to find, we came to a decision we were holding off until after Christmas. Yeah, well we thought! Last week we got on ebay and bid well we won not only one but two, oh well we already sold the other. Well I had already started shopping thinking we were skipping the Wii, so they are getting their school jackets, movies, games, webkins, crafts, diaries and a bunch of little stuff. We are getting my nephew an Xbox 360 and my niece a kitten. Its going to be a wonderful Christmas for all I am sure. Not sure what our plans are for Christmas this year, every Christmas Eve we spend at my parents, but because I am not speaking to my one sister, and have no intentions to. She is completely wrapped up in her own little world, not to mention she has completely fallen in to Jared’s ex wife bucket of nuts. Oh well the two are made for eachother, neither one of them have a nice word to say about eachother when there not together, I think that’s because they are so much alike only worried about image and showing off, oh well two peas in a pod! Do I sound bitter? Sorry I am not, its just people like that make me sick!!!! We’ll see my other sister wants me to really go so I may, and if something happens then I will be the bigger person and walk away.
This is my first blog. I am a mother of 3 girls, 2 of my own and one-step daughter. I have a wonderful husband named Jared. I work full time as a Business Manager for a dental office. So between, work, taking care of the girls, the cat and my husband I find sometime in there to scrapbook.
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