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Title: I've done it!
Post Text Its taken me a few day's to manage to get the time but I've finally managed it. My first page. Ok so its a bit basic but I've managed it.Its of my daughters birthday party that was today.Is was held at a beauty salon, 6 girls having their hair done, nails, make up and a glittery tattoo. I just wished I could have had it all done too!!! They had a great time and I'm so glad I managed to capture it for my first page. Any way I can smell dinner burning so I'd better go. Fleecy:-)
Hi, ummm I've just been told about this site and I'm really looking forward to having a go at it. I love all types of crafts and I'm sure I'll really enjoy it. I've looked at some pages already and I hope that (fingers crossed) I might manage to make one that looks ok. Can't wait to have a go!!!
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