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Title: Where Girls Grow Strong...
Post Text IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING...why I haven't posted in a couple of days...I'm at Girl Scout Camp with my daughters...and 100 other "adopted" daughters during the day. We're having a blast learning how to build a fire, make lunch on a stick and not lose it in the fire, how to eat a s'more without getting it all over your face...and hands...and legs...and of course, eating Girl Scout Cookies. Girl Scouting is a wonderful opportunity for girls to have fun without being treated like a porcelin doll or a "little" girl. Girls can get dirty and have fun and be encouraged to get dirty. My daughter Amelia is 8 year's old. (Check out her pages that she's made and posted. She's Cheer Girl) This is her 3rd year at camp so she's a veteran. Samantha is 5 and just graduated from Kindergarten. She's a "real" camper this year, not a Pixie (pixie's are younger/other children of camp staff ages 3-12 who are allowed to come to camp. They are their own unit but they don't do the same things as the campers. They're allowed to come so that mom's can come and help out...nice!) She's the tiniest one in her unit but she's got the biggest spirit! Me? I'm the first first patient of the day was Amelia (a real injury...she cut her leg). I guess what I'm trying to tell you is to get out there and volunteer. It doesn't have to be with Girl Scouts, just pick something that you are passionate about and just do it. Take your "hand" scrapbooking materials and visit the children's ward at the local hospital or visit bed-bound mom's-to-be (I've done this...they love it!!!) have them scrapbook their babies ultrasound picture or pictures of mommy and daddy. There are so many wonderful causes and appreciative organizations. In the words of Nike...JUST DO IT!
I'm what I call a passionate scrapper. I put alot of thought (maybe too much) into my pages. And, as you will soon see, I go through phases in the themes and styles of my pages. So, here's the inspiration and thoughts that inspired me to create the pages you find here. In Case You Were Wondering...
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