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Title: A Tribute to the Tributes...
Post Text IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING... I just posted my latest page and it might seem strange to some people. I'm from an average size city - Racine, Wisconsin. We're between Milwaukee, WI and Chicago, IL on the shores of the Great Lake Michigan. Racine boasts the largest parade in's long...real less than 3 hours! I'm not kidding. Well, back to my page. We have these 5 amazing floats, three of which are featured. They are real life veteran's replicating three of the veteran memorials in Washington, DC. They are the Marine Corps Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and the Vietnam Women's Memorial. The other two not featured are the Boys of 1776 and the Spirit of '76. I didn't include them on this page because I didn't have good shots of them and I don't have pictures of the actual memorials...I don't know that they even exist. As they move along the parade route, a kind of wave happens. Everyone stands, children and women place their hands on their hearts, men remove their caps. There is a moment of silence for those who these memorials honor and than a roar of applause for the 9 men and 3 women who paint themselves up and remain motionless for blocks. The 5 men who are on the Marine Corps Memorial have this wonderful ritual. They have dog tags bearing the names of the actual men who raised the American flag at Mt. Suribachi (I'm sorry but I know I probably spelled that wrong). Each man wears the dog tab of the veteran he is portraying. Most people might think that only a really crazy person would chose to wear military garb and body paint in 90 degree weather remaining motionless for three hours. Not so, in Racine, is an honor!
I'm what I call a passionate scrapper. I put alot of thought (maybe too much) into my pages. And, as you will soon see, I go through phases in the themes and styles of my pages. So, here's the inspiration and thoughts that inspired me to create the pages you find here. In Case You Were Wondering...
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