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Title: My First Scrapbook Flair Page
Post Text IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING... This is the first page that I created using this program. It's a page that I've been wanting to complete for several years. In fact, I have a started page from 2001...I just couldn't find the right embellishements, pens...what have you. So, when I came upon this software, it was kind of like my savior. It not only saved me money, but an incredible amount of time! I'm a history buff and I can't wait to make my third trip to Washington, D.C. I love the patriotic feeling and the pride that the visitors have. Never having met my Uncle, I am drawn to the different Veteran's memorials...the Vietnam one's, of course, more than others. I've volunteered at the Wall's moving memorial and that's how I came upon the information that is included on the page. One can only imagine the tremendous sense of loss I felt when I learned that he had only been in Vietnam for 10 short days before he was killed. So, I felt it was important to complete a page in his memory and that it be simple yet very direct. I hope it inspires you to create a memorial to any military heroes that you know and love and maybe even long to see again...or wish you had the chance to meet.
I'm what I call a passionate scrapper. I put alot of thought (maybe too much) into my pages. And, as you will soon see, I go through phases in the themes and styles of my pages. So, here's the inspiration and thoughts that inspired me to create the pages you find here. In Case You Were Wondering...
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