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Title: Me Myself and I
Post Text IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING...this is what I look like. I often wonder what so many of you look like, too. Why is it that we don't scrap ourselves? I can tell you that for me it's two things...I don't have many pictures of myself and I don't have many of those pictures of myself that I like what I look like. Why is that? What's wrong with having someone else take the family picture so you can be in it? We are members of the family, too. In fact, we are the glue for the family yet we're often left out of the picture. Is it also that, like me, so many of us don't like what we look like in pictures? I know that my DBF doesn't like what he looks in pics either. However, I am the scrapper (the life preserver) so it's ME who decides who is in the layouts. Sounds fair, right? Yes and no. Yes, cuz we want to make sure all those important events and changes in the children are documented. But also no because who's going to document our history and our changes? Come haven't had the same hairstyle all your life! What about those elementary school pictures with the Dorothy Hamill haircut? Or the 70's Farrah Fawcett wings. And, don't forget those 80's ratted out styles where you looked like a poodle! Personally, I always wanted my hair to look like CeCe Devilles (from Poison). I'm going to issue a challenge and them I'm going to post the challenge. Scrap yourself...Create your own album that's all about you and only you! There are other members here who have posted layouts about themselves. I only recently created this one of myself as a favor to a friend. She is hosting a zodiac challenge at another site and asked me to post for her. So, I did...I was surprised to find out that I am exactly like my sign (Cancer). But, how will my grandchildren or my great-grandchildren know this if someone doesn't tell them. What if my children don't continue to enjoy scrapbooking like I do? Well's my job to do it! I issue this challenge to all of you...SCRAP YOURSELF!!! You and only you! For you are important and your history deserves to be shared!
I'm what I call a passionate scrapper. I put alot of thought (maybe too much) into my pages. And, as you will soon see, I go through phases in the themes and styles of my pages. So, here's the inspiration and thoughts that inspired me to create the pages you find here. In Case You Were Wondering...
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