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Title: Happy Americans and non-Americans alike!
Post Text IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING...This is my beautiful family and I am most thankful for them! Thanksgiving is celebrated in other countries, but not all! Here in America, it's become more about the meal and the football (American-style). I'm having 19 people over for the feast this year. My first with my boyfriend's family. As I am stressing over the state of the house (in particular the girl's bedroom) and whether the turkey is going to be thawed on-time; I find myself forgetting what the day is really all about. I haven't seen it yet but there is a new movie coming out here in the States...The Pursuit of Happyness. I find myself crying...sobbing in the previews of this movie. It's about a man who is on the brink of losing everything and yet has a young son to care for. He takes an internship...unpaid...because the end result is a higher paying job. They sleep in homeless shelters and in subway station bathrooms! He had nothing but what he and his son could carry yet he was a joyful father to his son...and so very brave! (I'm watching the Will Smith interview with Oprah right now and I'm crying so hard right now, I may electricute myself typing What I"m getting at is that for so many of us...myself included, have been through tough times. I lost my daughter's father 18 months ago. I would complain about life not being fair to us. But, I have a loving boyfriend, a supportive family and two incredible daughters who frequently remind that their daddy is not gone, in fact, he's with us all the time now! So, I'm inspired to thank God daily for what I have and I'm not sure, after seeing the previews...and I will see the movie, that I will never again ask God, why me? I have so much more than I realized a few minutes ago. So, I wish all my scrapbooking friends worldwide to have a Happy Thanksgiving and blessings on you and your family that you are all as rich as I in in in LIFE!
I'm what I call a passionate scrapper. I put alot of thought (maybe too much) into my pages. And, as you will soon see, I go through phases in the themes and styles of my pages. So, here's the inspiration and thoughts that inspired me to create the pages you find here. In Case You Were Wondering...
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